Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 31st 2009

The wait is over!

Bear with me, I watched about probably 3/4 of this episode, but I'll give you a brief summary, without giving away the ending. (:

Annie and Ethan were having problems, as you guys know. Well, this made Annie think and she quit the play because of all of this. But then later found out, well, heard that Ethan kissed that girl who he accidentally hit with his car (i forgot her name) and of course Annie got pretty frikin mad.

Naomi and the bartender guy of course, got along. Naomi had dreams about him, and he could care less about school and Naomi was assigned his tutor in math. Well, he didnt really need one and they started to hang out. He took her to some sort of drag racing, and they had fun.

Silver had a sudden weird feeling about poetry and decided to write one about her and Dixon. She also tried to make it into a short movie. Which turned out pretty ugly. It was going so well until it came to the part where Dixon and her had intercourse. Turns out she taped them having intercourse one time. Dixon was then kind of mad because the video was shown to basically prt of the school! Lets just say Silver got a little crazy since she's crazy in love with Dixon.

Oh My God! This episode ws amazing! I can't believe it! It has a pretty shocking ending with Ethan and Annie and with Silver and Dixon. I-I wish I can tell you all, but I don't want to spoil it for the people who didn't see it.

If you haven't seen it! GO SEE IT NOW! Go to cwtv.com and watch the episode. It is a good one! And, I can't believe it. I can't wait for the next episode for sure!

Have A Nice Week!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

90210 Late Update

Hey, everyone!

I am SO SORRY for the really late update!

But without 90210, there's not much to talk about!

Anyways, NEW EPISODES ARE COMING SOON! Just hold on there!

This time, It will be featured on a NEW TIME!

That's right! It is going to be 9:00pm not 8:00pm.

I don't know if it's a good or bad idea, but whatever, right? As long as I get to watch it!

So, now, I am telling you guys to keep waiting until March 31st for the new 90210 episode! Tune in at The CW Washington at 9:00pm for their new episodes!



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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day From The 90210 Blog!

Hey Everyone!
I just want to say Happy Valentine's Day from the 90210 blog!
I hope you guys are going to have a fun one and enjoy it!
Tune in this coming Tuesday at the CW Washington for a 90210 episode.
No sorry guys it's not going to be new. :(
But, this episode is the one where Annie's and Naomi's half brother comes. So, I guess it's pretty cool, right?
I hope you guys enjoy your Valentine's day.
Keep visiting the 90210 blog for more information about the 90210 episodes, cats, etc.. every week and/or go to cwtc.com for oteh rinformation.
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

90210 - February 10, 2009

OMG, I loved this episode!

I mean, it made me CRAZY at some points because of what Annie did, but I loved it!

Okay, well, it's nice to see Silver and Naomi talking again! Yay! See, Silver needed a room and well, she couln't get that room for some reason, so she asked Naomi to do her a favor and get her a room since Naomi is staying at that hotel. After that, they started hanging out and stuff, it was kind of nice. Ha-ha!

Silver was like, really excited about being with Dixon. She was totally INLOVE! She was all giddy and stuff haha! It's like, a whole new Silver. She was even excited for the Valentine's Dance. When they went to dinner, silver had a little blow out about a cchocolate cake. ha-ha, it was kind of funny! :)

And the hotel Naomi is staying in got a new bartender. Yeah, he was really cute. REALLY CUTE! Ha-ha! And of course, Naomi had a crush. Who wouldn't he was really cute.

Annie and Ethan were having some trouble. Okay, remember that girl, who was in the hospital. She is totally getting in the way of Annie and Ethan and it is totally pissing me off! Like CRAZILY pissing me off! Okay her name is like Rhonda. Anyways, Rhonda told Ethan and Annie a story about how she had a bad experience at a dance at her old school. Annie had a new drama teacher and he told her to tell the class about something that she can't tell anyone so Annie used Rhonda's story and Ethan heard and of course he got pretty mad at Annie for that because it's suppose to be for between them three.

No, Ty isn't here on this episode. :( Sadly.

But it's still really good.

This is just basically half of the episode. There was plenty more good stuff to this episode, but I don't want to ruin it for anyone. So if you want more, it is showing againTOMORROW at 9pm! Don't miss it!

OR, watch it online at cwtv.com!

OMG, I just saw the preview of the next new episode, and I am so PISSED OFF! It looks really good but we have to wait until MARCH 31st! Ah! Can you believe that! That is so long from now!

I mean, I want to know what happens to Annie and Ethan!

Yeah, the ending, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW THE ENDING SKIP TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH NOW, okay, well, Rhonda kissed Ethan, but he backed away. 'Cause duh, he's with Annie! And then she thought that Ethan was into her, but honestly, he really wasn't. And well, they just stopped talking and she left the dance. Annie didn't go 'cause well, Ethan was still mad at her. It basically ended with Ethan looking at Annie during school and walking away. I guess he's still mad.

Well, anyways, this was a really good episode. Ah! OMG! I can't believe it, they expect me to wait MORE THAN A MONTH for a new episode! Ahh! I would pay hundreds to see like the whole thing every week! Well, kind of.

So, I guess, TUNE IN MARCH 31st for a NEW 90210 EPISODE. We'll survive! :)

Kepp reading the 90210 blog for informations about the cast, episodes, etc.. through out the month! I'll keep on writing, and you keep on reading. Don't forget to vote on the polls!

Hope you guys have a FUN Valentine's Day!



90210! TODAY! Valentine Episode!

NEW 90210 episode today!

After the show, I'm not going to be summarazing the WHOLE episode.

I'll just give you guys a brief summary, so I don't want to ruin it for you guy who hasn't watch it, but wants to.

There's also a Jonas Brothers preview in th emiddle of 90210 today! Enjoy you Jonas Brothers Fans! :)

90210 Episode today is a Valentine episode, it's gonna be good!

Talk to you guys more after the show!


Saturday, February 7, 2009

90210MG - AnnaLynne McCord

Okay, I was looking over some of my old Seventeen magazine and guess who I saw as a previous Seventeen model!

That's right, 90210's Naomi Clark, played by no other than AnnaLyne McCord.(Top Picture)

If you're wondering, it was the issue of Christina Aguilera on September 2006. On page 126. (Bottom Picture)

I know it's pretty old, but I kept my magazines, ha-ha!

I found it interesting that AnnaLynne was a Seventeen model before playing the role of Naomi in the new CW hit show, 90210.

I never really noticed until, now, actually, when i was looking throught my magazines for my school collage project. ha-ha!

Well, that was basically all I had to say.

Tune in Tuesday at the CW Washington for a new 90210 episode!

And for all of you Jonas Brothers fans out there, they are showing a sneek peak preview of their DVD or CD, I'm not sure, during the 90210 this coming Tuesday, so stick around to watch it!

If you're not a Jonas Brother fan, ME TOO! Ha-ha! But it's only like a what? 1-minute preview, so we can take it and watch 90210. Ha-ha!

Have a nice Saturday!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

90210 - February 3


Ethan Ward is OKAY :) But the person he collided cars with wasn't.

So Ethan was basically really worried about the person he collided with since she got a collapsed lunch, I think. Ouch.

He couldn't really stop thinking about it.

When he decided to visit, well, it didn't turn out that well. They got to talking and he asked her what school she went to.

It turned out that they went to the same school and they were in the same French class. And the girl was saying how he's in his own bubble and doesn't care about people outside his league which totally bothered him.

Anyways, Adrianna decided to tell Ty about the baby.

He was really sweet about it. I thought he'd be like not cool and stuff. ut he took it gently.

He was shocked, but he talked to his parents about it. And they were kind of cool about it.

But Adrianna never talked to her mom about it.

But Ty and his parents think she did.

When she met up with Ty and his parents, she just told them her mom had to work adn she couldn't get out of it in such late notice.

Ty's parents were really cool with it. They were offering to pay for like, everything. And Arianna is thankful.

Then, she found out that they were talking about putting the baby for adoption. Naomi thinks that she's getting taken advantage of, but Adrianna just whatevered it.

Then Ty's mom dropped at her house. Of course, Adrianna's mom was really shocked aout the whole baby thing. Who wouldn't be?

Ty's mom started talking about how Adrianna isn't responsible for the baby.

Then Adrianna's mom stepped up on how Adrianna is very responsible and started to say all this positive things about her.

This was actually pretty good since it did bring Adrianna and her mom closer together. Her mom realized that she hasn't been the greatest mom.

Anyways, Dixon and Navid went to Christinne's party to meet up some girls. Surprisingly, Navid got one. Haha! He started talking about he's ''uncool'' and he's starts talking about World of Warcraft at some point, ha-ha! I don't know, he's weirdness just makes me laugh.

Ethan had been spending his time in the hospital. Helping the girl he collided with.

Annie coudln't focuse anymore since Ethan keeps missing rehearsals for the play.

Ethan was talking to the girl about the should basically seize the day. Live everyday as their last. ''Carpe Diem'' or something like that.

He's been spending most of his time there.

she started talking about sports and she just said that she's really not into that.

When Ethan left her room, she stood up and took the remote like she was fine with it.

And she started watching sports.

She was basically playing him and he doesn't know it.

He told Annie that he doesn't want to do the play since he doesn't want to do anything he doesn't want to do.

And Annie was really cool with it.

Siver went to Christine's party and started arguing with her about how she wated Dixon even if she was a lesbian.

Then everythign got messed up.

Silver left and Dixon went after her.

When Dixon caught up she started explaining how being inlove sucks and is ruining her life and stuff.

Then Dixon paused since he heard ''inlove''

And I'm like SO HAPPY!

They got back together! :) YAY!

Lastly, Adrianna talked to Ty about how she doesn't want to give the baby up for adoption.

Ty was thinking if she was trying to ruin HIS life.

Adrianna said that she was used to the embarassement around.

Adrianna broadcast herself in front of the WHOLE school.

She told them that they should just stop doing the whispers beind her back. And she announced that she was pregnant, to the WHOLE school.

Of course everyone pretty much was in shock.

As for the father, she didn't announce who it was.

And Ty was relieved.

It basically ended with Adrianna walking on the hallway proud and Naomi was proud of her for not letting anyone take advantage of her.


OMG , this was a really good episode.

One of THE best, but the girl that Ethan hit cars with, kind of pissed me off, how she was like, just using hima nd making him feel really bad! Argh!

Anyways, if you guys weren't able to watch, I hope this basically sums it up for you

OR go to cwtv.com to watch full episodes of 90210!

Tune in next week for a NEW episode of 90210 on the CW Washington at 8pm/7pmCentral. It's a Valentine Episode, so DON'T YOU MISS IT!

